eCOSHH: About

The Strathclyde Electronic COSHH Management System (eCOSHH) was built and designed by the University of Strathclyde to replace a paper-based system for the management and recording of COSHH assessment forms.  It allows users to enter all the details they are required to complete using simple online forms.

COSHH forms have a workflow - written by the author, then requests routed to a responsible person  (RP) for approval, before being made 'live' to allow sign-off by end users.  This workflow can have an additional 'Quality Controller' (QC) step between author and RP for additional control.  Settings on each COSHH form allow the user/RP to determine the visibility of a particular COSHH - public, group, department, or a set list of users.  COSHH forms can be viewed online or may be saved as PDF files for offline view or printing.   End users are able to view and digitally sign COSHH forms, enabling RP and safety managers to effectively monitor COSHH adherence.

The system contains a record of each user's department, and custom groups can be created to represent the research groups and teams within departments allowing access control to COSHH forms to be easily managed.   A review process is built into the system that automatically reminds RP users to review and update their COSHH forms annually to ensure they are still relevant and have the most up to date safety information.

eCOSHH includes an extensive database of chemical and biological agents, and integration with the ChemWatch database enables users to add additional agents details quicky and easily.  There is also an agent approval workflow system to allow for the addition of bespoke and unique agents.