Help - room sets

Room sets allow you to create a set of rooms/ laboratories that can then be added to section 1.1 all at once, instead of having to add each room individuall each time. 

room set link
From the lab/room sets page, click add to create a new room set, or click the edit button next to an existing set to modify it.

room set options

On the next screen:

manage room set

  • enter a label/ name for your room set, then use the find/search box to find labs/ rooms to add to the set
  • click the + icon next to an entry to add it
  • click the trash icon next to an already added entry to remove it
  • once you are happy with you set, click save

This will store your room set. It will then appear in the lab/ room search in section 1.1. of the COSHH form.

add room set to coshh

When you add the set to this section, it will automatically add all the rooms in the set to the COSHH for you.

room sets added

You can then modify the rooms once they are added the same as for individual labs.