Welcome to my research page. I'm the author
of 175+ publications, and my research interests
include, but are not limited to, Enumerative and
Algebraic Combinatorics, Combinatorics on Words,
and Graph Theory. For a relevatively up-to-date
information on my research, see my Research statement. Also, see my short CV. I am listed
among the most cited mathematicians based on
graduation year here
(as for March 2021).
S. Kitaev. Patterns in
permutations and words, Springer
Verlag (EATCS monographs in Theoretical Computer
Science book series) 2011; ISBN: 978-3-642-17332-5.
offers a comprehansive introduction to a fast growing
research area, with hundreds of researchers around the globe
actively involved. This field has numerous applications in
various branches of mathermatics, computer science, biology
and theoretical physics. My other book
S. Kitaev and V. Lozin. Words and Graphs, Springer
Verlag (EATCS monographs in Theoretical Computer
Science book series), 2015; ISBN: 978-3-319-25857-7.
introduces the theory of word-representable graphs that I
have pioneered alone, a field enjoying ever greater
attention by other researchers, and with the ultimate goal
of finding applications for analysis of algorithms on graphs
and robot scheduling. Please see the wiki
page giving basic information on the theory and its
generalizations. Also, please note
the softwareby Marc
Glen to work with word-representable graphs based on the
notion of a semi-transitive orientation;
the softwareby Haoran
Sun capable of producing human-verifiable proofs of
non-word-representability of graphs; and
the softwarebyHans Zantemato work
with word-representable graphs aiming at finding the
representation number for a given graph.
invited/plenary talks
Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference (PCC 2025),
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, April 30 - May 2,
The 8th Xi'an International Workshop on Graph Theory
and Combinatorics, Xi'an, China, June 29-30, 2024
Scottish Combinatorics Meeting, University of St
Andrews, UK, May 27-28, 2024
Online 2nd School on Graph Theory, University of
Johannesburg, South Africa, October 3-6, 2022
Virtual Workshop on Combinatorial Species, Operads,
Riordan Arrays and Related Topics, Sungkyunkwan
University, Korea, February 22-24, 2022
Neuroscience and Complex Systems Networking Event,
Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, UK,
March 9, 2020
Algorithms and Software for Discrete Computational
Mathematics, CoDiMa Workshop 2019, The University of
Manchester, UK, May 23-25, 2019
One-day meeting in Combinatorics, Sungkyunkwan
University, Korea, April 10, 2019
Theoretical and Computational Discrete Mathematics
(TCDM 2018), University of Derby, UK, September 14-15,
5th International Conference on Riordan Arrays and
Related Topics, Busan, Korea, June 25-29, 2018
One-day meeting in Combinatorics, Sungkyunkwan
University, Korea, September 13, 2017
21st International Conference on Developments in
Language Theory (DLT 2017), University of Liege, Liege,
Belgium, August 7, 2017
AORC Open School on Combinatorial Methods in the
Analysis of Algorithm and Data Structures, Sungkyunkwan
University, Korea, February 20-24, 2017
Scottish Combinatorics Meeting, University of Glasgow,
April 29-30, 2015
12th International Permutation Patterns Conference
held on July 7-11, 2014 at East Tennessee State
University, Johnson City, TN, USA
AMS-MAA joint Meetings in San Diego in 2013
AMS-MAA joint Meetings in San Francisco in 2010
Colloquia talks are given at the Mathematics
Departments of the following universities: Harbin Institute
of Technology, China (2024), Nihon University, Japan (2018);
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (2019, 2017); University of
California, San Diego (2013, 2012); California Polytechnic
State University (2012, 2011, 2010); University of St
Andrews (2013, 2011); California State University, Los
Angeles (2010, 2009)
in Combinatorics 2017. Edited by A. Claesson, M.
Dukes, S. Kitaev, D. Manlove, K. Meeks, Cambridge
University Press, London Mathematical Society Lecture
Note Series (440), Online ISBN: 9781108332699, 2017.
Grants totalling £44,348 from Edinburgh Mathematical
Society, EPSRC, London Mathematical Society, Scottish
Mathematical Sciences Training Centre, University of
39,800 EUR highly competitive “Abel Extraordinary
Chair” in 2010
Co-recipient of two grants totalling £750,000 Iceland
Sci Found., 2006-2013
Postdoctoral mentor for Amy Glen
(2008-2009), Vit Jelinek (2009-2010), Pavel Salimov (2011),
Chris Severs (2011), Henning Ulfarsson (2010-2011)
PhD students: Marc Glen (2019), Kittitat Iamthong
(2021), Najlaa Alalwan (2022), Humaira Hameed (since 2023),
Mohammed Alshammari (since 2024)
Examiner for Ph.D. defences (vivas) of Dan
Threlfall (University of Strathclyde), Andrew Michael
Gozzard (University of Western Australia, 2023), Elena
Zamaraeva (University of Warwick, 2020), Matt McDevitt
(University of St Andrews, 2019), Andrew Collins (University
of Warwick, 2017), Jason Smith (University of Strathclyde,
2015), Ruth Hoffmann (University of St Andrews, 2015),
Stuart Hannah (University of Strathclyde, 2015), Chris
Purcell (University of Warwick, 2013), Eddie Bell (Lancaster
University, 2011)
Member of the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences
Small Grants Panel, 2023
Reviewer for Math Reviews(127
reviews), EPSRC, Leverhulme Trust, National Security
Agency (NSA) Mathematical Science Grant Program, French
National Research Agency (ANR), Israel Science Foundation
(ISF), Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Slovenia Research
Agency (ARRS), Czech Science Foundation, Russian Science
Foundation, Ministry of Education and Science of the
Russian Federation, and South Africa's National Research
Foundation (NRF). Referee work for 56 journals: