Help - Inventory: user roles

the inventory system has various user 'roles' that determine which tools/functions a user can access. A user can have one or multiple roles, and roles can be added/removed at any point.

By default, a user has no roles, and as a result will have no access to any labs/chemicals.  It is intended that users are added to the appropriate labs by a user with the inventory - room/lab manager role.  This will then enable the user to see the stock/inventory in the lab(s) where they operate.  The only exception to this default is users who are set as the owner of any chemicals are able to see the list of chemicals that they own.

inventory - admin: system administrator, with access to all the tools including managing the roles assigned to users

inventory - dept admin: user has access to all tools/features, but restricted to their own area/dept

inventory - stock adder: can add existing stock to the system. This role was primarily intended for initial system setup (given to the summer students)

inventory - stock taker: can do stock takes for labs they are associated with

inventory - stores: can add new stock as it arrives on site

inventory - room/lab manager: can manage the users who have access to particular labs