column one here with text over an image
column two with text under image
column three here with text over an image
The SPIDER Template System is a SPIDER extension that allows the quick deployment of a user controlled web site. The system allows the creation of dynamic content using a database backed website with very little technical involvement, including private, user login space and members area, dicussion, links and news/ events postings. With a little work we can add/ build custom tools to meet user requirements, which can then be made available to other users of STS.
STS has two main navigation templates - either a 'top' or 'left' page navigation can be set in the configuration. The site can then be customised by the owner to use their own colour scheme. The STS also supports the use of custom CSS templates, particularly those from . We can also modify an STS site to use a custom style sheet template of your choice, for example, the CMAC site uses a commercially availalbe template from .
We've recently updated the STS to make use of the Bootstrap framework, so STS sites now have responsive design built in to support all device sizes from phones up to large screen desktop PCs.
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Donec orci dui, lacinia vel ligula in, hendrerit condimentum turpis. Pellentesque ultrices, sapien a pretium dapibus, tortor diam dapibus nisi, quis venenatis leo erat ac enim. Praesent massa leo, porta pulvinar molestie a, imperdiet sit amet orci. Phasellus nec rutrum risus, sit amet tristique ante. Cras interdum tellus vel elementum vulputate.